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Monday, September 12, 2011

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

There is a lot to rule on when your about to have a baby. We all wonder what's going to be best for our little ones when it comes to raising them. Will I breast feed or go with a bottle? Should we put our baby to sleep in a crib or bassinet? Are we going to diaper our baby with cloth diapers or disposable diapers?

Usually we go with what makes the most sense, and what will fit in with our lifestyle. When I was pregnant with my son I did some study on the Cloth Vs. Disposable turn over and came up with a pros and cons list that precisely helped me out.

Baby Diapers

Let's start with the pros of disposable diapers!

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

1. Easy to use

This is a huge plus if your a busy house and are always on the go. Disposable diapers can be used everywhere at anytime without having to worry about seeing a washer to clean soiled cloth diapers!

2. You can throw them away

Once your little one has done his or her enterprise and needs to be changed, just take the dirty diaper off (after changing your baby of course) and throw it out. No smelly diaper to carry around with you!

3. Less Leaking...Less accidents

Disposable diapers are much more absorbent than cloth diapers. With that said more liquid is absorbed and your little one is less likely to get a rash. Not to mention you wont have to convert as many diapers.

4. Cost

If you plan on diapering your bundle of joy using only cloth diapers with no covers there precisely isn't much of a discrepancy in cost. If you reconsider using a diaper service or home laundering, it can be economy to use cloth diapers. However, diapering your baby without using diaper covers is risky due to possible leaking.

You must also reconsider there are diaper covers and various styles to think about with cloth. To get all the cute designs and top rated cloth diapers you may precisely spend up to 50% more on cloth diapers.

As you can see there are a lot of pros to using disposable diapers, of course there are some cons, and here they are...

1. Bad for the environment

While disposable diapers are easy to use they also hurt the environment. Every year there are billions of disposable diapers thrown away which directly impacts our environment.

2. Potentially Harmful

There have been studies done on children who have used disposable diapers. Some of these studies have found that disposable diapers may cause male infertility and possible instances of asthma.

3. Functionality

Disposable diapers are just that, disposable. Once they are used you throw them out never to be used again. With cloth diapers you can use them for years to come. They can be used around the house as dust cloths or rags, burp cloths or even washcloths.

Let's talk about some cloth diapers pros shall we!

1. Environmentally Friendly

Cloth diapers are 100% reusable (as long as you take care of them and wash them well). With that being said you can sacrifice the number of pollution going to our landfills by reusing your cloth diapers, and in return you will be helping to great our environment.

2. Less costly to maintain

It may cost more at first to get started with cloth diapers, however in the long run it is much economy to maintain. After the preliminary cost of getting the diapers, pins and the covers all you need to do is wash, dry, fold, use and repeat. Cloth diapers will last about a year with good care, so you will never have to worry about production a diaper run in the middle of the night like with disposable diapers.

3. Comfortable for you babies bottom

Unlike disposable diapers, cloth diapers are usually made of cotton, hemp, bamboo or microfiber. These materials are much more comfortable and are usually a bit more gentle on your little ones bottom. Some children may be allergic to the dyes or chemicals in disposables so cloth may be the way to go.

4. Oh so cute diaper covers

There are so many separate diaper covers out there these days it's hard to rule on just one. Good news, you don't have to! With all the separate brands and companies around you can pick almost any separate pattern, color, make or fabric you can think of. This makes diapering your child more of a fun experience rather than just something that needs to be done.

There are some cons to using cloth diapers, so let's take a look at what those are...

1. supply and demand

Whether we like it or not babies need to be changed a lot. With the use of cloth diapers comes a few more loads of laundry to do as well.

Remember that if you do not wash cloth diapers in a timely manner it may be tough to remove stains from soiled areas. This means that you will need to do laundry more often to ensure that you have diapers ready at all times.

2. Not as absorbent

Cloth diapers are not as absorbent as most disposable diapers. This usually isn't a big deal except at night and when on road trips. At night you will find your self getting up usually just to check your little ones diaper and see if it's wet. You wouldn't want to have to convert a soaked diaper, pj's and bedding would you? At this point you may opt to use cloth diapers while the day and disposables at night.

3. Less sanitary

If you're not consistently near a sterile pot of boiling water or a washer and dryer you may have a qoute holding things sanitary. You don't want to put that soiled diaper in your diaper bag with formula, extra clothes and toys. Not handling cloth diapers properly, and production sure they are cleaned and stored correctly can cause contamination and make you and your house sick.

So there's the low down on using cloth diapers vs. Disposable diapers. I found all of this facts to be very helpful and it precisely did help me make up my mind on how to diaper my son. The most prominent thing to remember is that there is no right or wrong answer!

When it comes to selecting which way to diaper your baby, it's precisely what works best for you and your family!

Cloth Vs Disposable Diapers - Are Baby Cloth Diapers Worth It?

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